Semi-supervised object detection is important for 3D scene understanding because obtaining large-scale 3D bounding box annotations on point clouds is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Existing semi-supervised methods usually employ teacher-student knowledge distillation together with an augmentation strategy to leverage unlabeled point clouds. However, these methods adopt global augmentation with scene-level transformations and hence are sub-optimal for instance-level object detection. In this work, we propose an object-level point augmentor (OPA) that performs local transformations for semi-supervised 3D object detection. In this way, the resultant augmentor is derived to emphasize object instances rather than irrelevant backgrounds, making the augmented data more useful for object detector training. Extensive experiments on the ScanNet and SUN RGB-D datasets show that the proposed OPA performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods under various experimental settings. The source code will be available at
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即使具有像变形金刚这样的强序模型,使用远程音乐结构产生表现力的钢琴表演仍然具有挑战性。同时,构成结构良好的旋律或铅片(Melody + Chords)的方法,即更简单的音乐形式,获得了更大的成功。在观察上面的情况下,我们设计了一个基于两阶段变压器的框架,该框架首先构成铅片,然后用伴奏和表达触摸来修饰它。这种分解还可以预处理非钢琴数据。我们的客观和主观实验表明,构成和装饰会缩小当前最新状态和真实表演之间的结构性差异,并改善了其他音乐方面,例如丰富性和连贯性。
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Transformers and variational autoencoders (VAE) have been extensively employed for symbolic (e.g., MIDI) domain music generation. While the former boast an impressive capability in modeling long sequences, the latter allow users to willingly exert control over different parts (e.g., bars) of the music to be generated. In this paper, we are interested in bringing the two together to construct a single model that exhibits both strengths. The task is split into two steps. First, we equip Transformer decoders with the ability to accept segment-level, time-varying conditions during sequence generation. Subsequently, we combine the developed and tested in-attention decoder with a Transformer encoder, and train the resulting MuseMorphose model with the VAE objective to achieve style transfer of long pop piano pieces, in which users can specify musical attributes including rhythmic intensity and polyphony (i.e., harmonic fullness) they desire, down to the bar level. Experiments show that MuseMorphose outperforms recurrent neural network (RNN) based baselines on numerous widely-used metrics for style transfer tasks.
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Recent years have seen adversarial losses been applied to many fields. Their applications extend beyond the originally proposed generative modeling to conditional generative and discriminative settings. While prior work has proposed various output activation functions and regularization approaches, some open questions still remain unanswered. In this paper, we aim to study the following two research questions: 1) What types of output activation functions form a well-behaved adversarial loss? 2) How different combinations of output activation functions and regularization approaches perform empirically against one another? To answer the first question, we adopt the perspective of variational divergence minimization and consider an adversarial loss well-behaved if it behaves as a divergence-like measure between the data and model distributions. Using a generalized formulation for adversarial losses, we derive the necessary and sufficient conditions of a well-behaved adversarial loss. Our analysis reveals a large class of theoretically valid adversarial losses. For the second question, we propose a simple comparative framework for adversarial losses using discriminative adversarial networks. The proposed framework allows us to efficiently evaluate adversarial losses using a standard evaluation metric such as the classification accuracy. With the proposed framework, we evaluate a comprehensive set of 168 combinations of twelve output activation functions and fourteen regularization approaches on the handwritten digit classification problem to decouple their effects. Our empirical findings suggest that there is no single winning combination of output activation functions and regularization approaches across all settings. Our theoretical and empirical results may together serve as a reference for choosing or designing adversarial losses in future research.
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Convolutional neural network-based approaches for semantic segmentation rely on supervision with pixel-level ground truth, but may not generalize well to unseen image domains. As the labeling process is tedious and labor intensive, developing algorithms that can adapt source ground truth labels to the target domain is of great interest. In this paper, we propose an adversarial learning method for domain adaptation in the context of semantic segmentation. Considering semantic segmentations as structured outputs that contain spatial similarities between the source and target domains, we adopt adversarial learning in the output space. To further enhance the adapted model, we construct a multi-level adversarial network to effectively perform output space domain adaptation at different feature levels. Extensive experiments and ablation study are conducted under various domain adaptation settings, including synthetic-to-real and cross-city scenarios. We show that the proposed method performs favorably against the stateof-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and visual quality.
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子格式微型航空车(MAV)中的准确而敏捷的轨迹跟踪是具有挑战性的,因为机器人的小规模会引起大型模型不确定性,要求强大的反馈控制器,而快速的动力学和计算约束则阻止了计算上昂贵的策略的部署。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种在MIT SoftFly(一个子)MAV(0.7克)上进行敏捷和计算有效轨迹跟踪的方法。我们的策略采用了级联的控制方案,在该方案中,自适应态度控制器与受过训练的神经网络政策相结合,以模仿轨迹跟踪可靠的管模型模型预测控制器(RTMPC)。神经网络政策是使用我们最近的工作获得的,这使该政策能够保留RTMPC的稳健性,但以其计算成本的一小部分。我们通过实验评估我们的方法,即使在更具挑战性的操作中,达到均方根误差也低于1.8 cm,与我们先前的工作相比,最大位置误差减少了60%,并证明了对大型外部干扰的稳健性
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对于单眼深度估计,获取真实数据的地面真相并不容易,因此通常使用监督的合成数据采用域适应方法。但是,由于缺乏实际数据的监督,这仍然可能会导致较大的域间隙。在本文中,我们通过从真实数据中生成可靠的伪基础真理来开发一个域适应框架,以提供直接的监督。具体而言,我们提出了两种用于伪标记的机制:1)通过测量图像具有相同内容但不同样式的深度预测的一致性,通过测量深度预测的一致性; 2)通过点云完成网络的3D感知伪标记,该网络学会完成3D空间中的深度值,从而在场景中提供更多的结构信息,以完善并生成更可靠的伪标签。在实验中,我们表明我们的伪标记方法改善了各种环境中的深度估计,包括在训练过程中使用立体声对。此外,该提出的方法对现实世界数据集中的几种最新无监督域的适应方法表现出色。
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由于球形摄像机的兴起,单眼360深度估计成为许多应用(例如自主系统)的重要技术。因此,提出了针对单眼360深度估计的最新框架,例如Bifuse中的双预测融合。为了训练这样的框架,需要大量全景以及激光传感器捕获的相应深度地面真相,这极大地增加了数据收集成本。此外,由于这样的数据收集过程是耗时的,因此将这些方法扩展到不同场景的可扩展性成为一个挑战。为此,从360个视频中进行单眼深度估计网络的自我培训是减轻此问题的一种方法。但是,没有现有的框架将双投射融合融合到自我训练方案中,这极大地限制了自我监督的性能,因为Bi-Prodoction Fusion可以利用来自不同投影类型的信息。在本文中,我们建议Bifuse ++探索双投影融合和自我训练场景的组合。具体来说,我们提出了一个新的融合模块和对比度感知的光度损失,以提高Bifuse的性能并提高对现实世界视频的自我训练的稳定性。我们在基准数据集上进行了监督和自我监督的实验,并实现最先进的性能。
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